There was a time when the peoples of the missions were in danger of being lost by the intolerance of a powerful sorcerer named Nesu, that when her power was waning by the influence of the Jesuits began to plot his destruction. Nesu expected to regain its influence and power to the religious killing and removing from the face of the earth all the symbols that represented their God.
The ancient people of the Province of the Jesuit Missions have their origins in the evangelical work that carried out the Jesuits from the early seventeenth century. His father was the great initiator Roque González de Santa Cruz, Asuncion of birth, father's orders who Marciel Lorenzana began in 1612 to explore the territory of the Uruguay River, passing through places where I had never entered a English. Noting that the land was populated by large number of Guarani Indians, it is proposed to group the Indian villages, for which obtained from general Francisco González de Santa Cruz, his brother who was then lieutenant governor of Asunción, with powers to establish licensing reductions areas near the rivers Paraná and Uruguay. Was how they were founded reductions of Our Lady of the Incarnation of Itapúa (3/25/1615) Santa Ana (1615, which later became the Franciscan Fathers), Yaguapóa (1618, later merged with Corpus Christi), Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Ibitiracuá (12/08/1619), San Nicolás del Piratini (03/05/1626), San Francisco Javier (1626), Our Lady of the Kings of Yapeyú (04/02/1627), Our Lady of Candelaria of Caazapá Mini (early 1628), the Assumption of Yjuhí (08/15/1628) and that of All Saints Caar ( 01/11/1628). That is why Father Roque González de Santa Cruz was the true precursor of the population of these territories and who could justly be called the founder of the missions of Uruguay.
The early years of the population is not easily traveled, parents had to struggle against the old customs and habits are deeply rooted in the Guarani population, who were torn between the new God presented to them and old beliefs supported by their sorcerers. Although many of them began to profess the Christian faith, others remained loyal to their sorcerers who secretly conspiring against the Jesuits. It was so came the cruelest of acts perpetrated by the martyrdom of parents Roque González de Santa Cruz, Juan del Castillo and Alonso Rodríguez, who were savagely massacred by the chief Nesu retinues. Reconstruction
unprecedented martyrdom and the day for help to the religious of the Society of Jesus by the residents of the Corrientes
In December of 1628, Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin was in the village and reduction of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Itatí with his doctrinarians Fray Juan de Gamarra, when suddenly came the father Francisco Clavijo of the Society of Jesus bringing news of the Indians of Uruguay had risen and killed parents Roque González de Santa Cruz, Juan del Castillo and Alonso Rodríguez and the lives of other parents was in danger because the Indians wanted to kill them all and destroy all the reductions. Given the gravity of what happened, immediately went to the city of Corrientes and the journey of Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin went internalizing the details of what happened.
Roque's father Santa Cruz had given him entry to the land of a chief named Quarobay Caar. Also lived in those lands, in a place called Yjuhí, a powerful sorcerer named chief Nesu, which at first was kind to parents, but after realizing how he was losing its primacy among the Indians began to notice all the chiefs who killed parents had on their land, because otherwise they would throw on many curses.
On Wednesday November 15, 1628, parents and Alonso Roque prepared to celebrate the feast of the dedication of the people of Caar ignoring the spell that had been made against them, after giving the parent mass Roque was garnishing a bell and putting a rope to hang on the tongue of the chapel and so touched and happy people. That was when the principal chief Carupa motioned to one of his Indians called Maragua to kill him, he proceeded to give him a furious blow with a stick on the head of Father Roque, who killed him instantly. Exsultantes with this victory, then went to the hut where Alonso was the father and shot him and then blows the church stripped of its ornaments and dressed some with ragged vestments, not satisfied with the atrocities committed, shattered a picture the virgin's father Roque always carried and then proceeded to burn the bodies of the two brothers along with the chapel. It was at that moment, amid the flames, when I speak to the father's heart Roque, he said in his natural language to " ... he had come to their lands for the sake of their souls ... although not kill me kill me, my soul goes to heaven and the punishment will not be long ... . " Indians will not understand where these words came out as the head of Father Roque was shattered, then proceeded to open the chest and get the heart with an arrow through it and returning it to fire again, which did not burn, 'm only a little singed but over. Not all Indians were complicit in this barbarism, many were surprised by what happened and expressed their sorrow and grief, including a chief elder scolded the murderers for their fierce crime and this action killed him with blows of stick.
The news of the death of parents arrived at the spot of the river Ijuhy on Friday November 17 and immediately sent a mob boss Nesu to find his father Juan del Castillo. He got caught at three in the afternoon while he was praying vespers in the chapel door, led him handcuffed from giving shots and dragging the ground chanting " now die in our hands as Roque Alonso and will not be of your trace family. " John's father asked them to carry him with his brothers to die together, to which they responded with thrusts of spears, arrows and other sharp sticks all over his body and eyes, dragging him through the rocks and topped with two large rocks on its head, throwing up a lot of wood and setting it on fire.
After all the above, other events occurred in neighboring reductions were immediately guarded by the good captain Nicholas Ñeengrirú, famous chief and leader of the reduction of Concepción del Uruguay who came to gather more than seven hundred Indians ready to avenge parental death.
Meanwhile, Manuel Cabral and get two priests to the city of Corrientes, went to the Cabildo where Father Francisco Clavijo account what happened and beg help them. Captain Rodrigo Perez, who was mayor at the time regular, ordered by a car which is put people to the relief requested.
The recruiting was voluntary, Captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin was the first to volunteer, saying he would go to the coast, providing ammunition and supplies and if necessary paying soldiers accompanying him. They soon join seven other residents of the currents, including those found Pedro de Aguirre, Felipe Ruy Diaz, Jeronimo Perez de Ibarra, Miguel Ortiz by Leguizamo, John Lenci, Alonso Cano and one whose name does not appear in the documents. As the situation was dire need, departed on the same day as Father Francisco Clavijo Corrientes, Fray Juan Gamarra, Manuel Cabral, seven soldiers correntinos towards reducing Itatí, where they recruited two hundred and Guarani Indians, in front of which was Captain James Guarepí, principal chief and war captain of the reduction.
Until then, preparations for relief had inputs and eight days, after which they left immediately for Itapúa was reduced to fifty miles from the city of Corrientes. In arrival they found the father of Boroa Diego, the then president of Paraguay and upper cuts, I was extremely saddened by what happened and heartbroken to see that Paraguay had not wanted to give relief. Then went to the reduction of Concepción, where they found six or seven Indian prisoners to be involved in the uprising, which proceeded with the captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin to make appropriate inquiries about the crimes committed and convinced three of them were responsible for the death of parents, sent them to justice by hanging.
next day went to the reduction of San Nicolas de Piratini where almost did not stop, giving understand their inhabitants who were to punish the criminals and rescue the good Indians. There they joined another group of Indian friends and they went to reducing the Candelaria where they arrived on Tuesday December 19 at noon, they found there with another resident of the Corrientes named Christopher Gallegos who had been with Father Antonio wackes Bernal. Spent the night there and at dawn on Wednesday when the sun rose, the reduction was found surrounded by large numbers of Indians on the warpath were preparing to assault him. It was then that the captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin ordered the people to go to meet him at number four and five or English six hundred Indian allies, leaving three hundred Indians English with friends in care and defense of the reduction and parents who were there.
advanced to meet face to face with the enemy and began to fight, but seeing the damage enemies that are produced muskets began to retreat to a nearby hill, where the fortified building a stockade of branches to defend themselves. Seeing what happened, Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin ordered the friendly Indians to come into the bush in pursuit of those and how they dared not enter, claiming that they would be fortified to kill Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin and four soldiers took the initiative correntinos and entered the mountain, this brave enough determination to follow them friendly Indians and then began a fierce battle until they ran out of ammunition, which is why they had to retreat again from the mount.
As the battle progressed, sent people to the reduction to see if they had been attacked and as this did not happen, it required them to come three soldiers correntinos there with the Indians were left to them all together against the enemy. They surrounded the hill and command you to tell the fortified enemy surrender those responsible for the death of the parents, if they did, they ensured the life and liberty of others, he responded " that if they came they would go out and kill them all and their heads would have to drink chicha ." Known negative, went back to the hills and fought bravely until they broke up and fled were captured by Indian friends who were waiting outside the forest. Seized more than a hundred and taken to the reduction of Candelaria, where again the interrogations and investigations were necessary to find the culprits and found among them twelve chieftains principals involved in the crime.
next day they went to the river Ijuhy, a place where they had killed the father, Juan del Castillo, a spot they found deserted and only able to apprehend a Indian who was executed for being one of those responsible for the death of Father Castle. Then returned to the reduction of Candelaria, where interrogations and investigations were again among the Indians captured to determine which ones were the most major, found including two chiefs, whom Manuel Cabral gave instructions as to fall to the ground and I told the other Indians who are good and obedient to parents and who are Christians and tell them to other Indians that the war was over.
before releasing to the chiefs, they demonstrated the power that the English had, for which I take a plank of thicker than found-command to Peter Aguirre to pull him with a musket, the bullet went through to clear the tree and the Indians were bewildered and frightened because they had never seen a musket, diligence that was conducted just to intimidate them and gave them eight days later to fulfill its mission, besides ordering them to return everything they had stolen from the parents.
After a few days the chiefs bringing back some of the things they had stolen from their parents, saying the Indians were all scattered throughout the mountains and the fear they had not dared to go back now, but they would not it will pass and reduce fear and obey their parents. From there he went the reduction of St. Nicholas, which assured the captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin again warned them all to be kind to parents, if they did not come again with more English and punish them all. Reduction was so peaceful and quiet and for that reason again the reduction of Concepción, where they remained for fourteen days to build rafts and canoes to go upriver in search of missing punish those responsible. During these days, many messengers came to seek and pray that the English would not return, they promised to bring to where the chiefs were responsible and missing mob punish. Manuel Cabral accepted this proposal and gave them fourteen days later to find them and took them to the city of Corrientes, and so I accepted and left in your search. Before leaving for the city of Corrientes, Manuel Cabral asked the chiefs of the reduction they are given to the Indians who were brought prisoners to him and should give them land for their crops and make their homes and that would have the natural it.
pacify the region, Manuel Cabral with his seven brave soldiers and Guarani Indians Itatí addressed Itatí reduction, they were welcomed with a procession and a great party. From there proceeded to the city of Corrientes, where after a few days brought one of the chiefs guilty and of which justice was hanged in public square, the other chief said they could not find because he had retired inland to the sea where they lost the trail, the fugitive chief was nothing more and nothing less than Nesu.
remarkable thing about this day was that while many were injured, including Manuel Cabral went very badly wounded, there were no casualties to lament or English or Indian friends. This day was a remarkable relief service to the stability of the region because not to be performed, the uprising was over with all the villages and had lost the Uruguay missions.
The three martyred parents were beatified by Pope Pius XII on January 28, 1934 with the apostolic letter viventis militum Dei and canonized by John Paul II on May 16, 1988 in Ñú Guazú (Asuncion, Paraguay).
The ancient people of the Province of the Jesuit Missions have their origins in the evangelical work that carried out the Jesuits from the early seventeenth century. His father was the great initiator Roque González de Santa Cruz, Asuncion of birth, father's orders who Marciel Lorenzana began in 1612 to explore the territory of the Uruguay River, passing through places where I had never entered a English. Noting that the land was populated by large number of Guarani Indians, it is proposed to group the Indian villages, for which obtained from general Francisco González de Santa Cruz, his brother who was then lieutenant governor of Asunción, with powers to establish licensing reductions areas near the rivers Paraná and Uruguay. Was how they were founded reductions of Our Lady of the Incarnation of Itapúa (3/25/1615) Santa Ana (1615, which later became the Franciscan Fathers), Yaguapóa (1618, later merged with Corpus Christi), Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception of Ibitiracuá (12/08/1619), San Nicolás del Piratini (03/05/1626), San Francisco Javier (1626), Our Lady of the Kings of Yapeyú (04/02/1627), Our Lady of Candelaria of Caazapá Mini (early 1628), the Assumption of Yjuhí (08/15/1628) and that of All Saints Caar ( 01/11/1628). That is why Father Roque González de Santa Cruz was the true precursor of the population of these territories and who could justly be called the founder of the missions of Uruguay.
The early years of the population is not easily traveled, parents had to struggle against the old customs and habits are deeply rooted in the Guarani population, who were torn between the new God presented to them and old beliefs supported by their sorcerers. Although many of them began to profess the Christian faith, others remained loyal to their sorcerers who secretly conspiring against the Jesuits. It was so came the cruelest of acts perpetrated by the martyrdom of parents Roque González de Santa Cruz, Juan del Castillo and Alonso Rodríguez, who were savagely massacred by the chief Nesu retinues. Reconstruction
unprecedented martyrdom and the day for help to the religious of the Society of Jesus by the residents of the Corrientes
In December of 1628, Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin was in the village and reduction of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Itatí with his doctrinarians Fray Juan de Gamarra, when suddenly came the father Francisco Clavijo of the Society of Jesus bringing news of the Indians of Uruguay had risen and killed parents Roque González de Santa Cruz, Juan del Castillo and Alonso Rodríguez and the lives of other parents was in danger because the Indians wanted to kill them all and destroy all the reductions. Given the gravity of what happened, immediately went to the city of Corrientes and the journey of Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin went internalizing the details of what happened.
Roque's father Santa Cruz had given him entry to the land of a chief named Quarobay Caar. Also lived in those lands, in a place called Yjuhí, a powerful sorcerer named chief Nesu, which at first was kind to parents, but after realizing how he was losing its primacy among the Indians began to notice all the chiefs who killed parents had on their land, because otherwise they would throw on many curses.
On Wednesday November 15, 1628, parents and Alonso Roque prepared to celebrate the feast of the dedication of the people of Caar ignoring the spell that had been made against them, after giving the parent mass Roque was garnishing a bell and putting a rope to hang on the tongue of the chapel and so touched and happy people. That was when the principal chief Carupa motioned to one of his Indians called Maragua to kill him, he proceeded to give him a furious blow with a stick on the head of Father Roque, who killed him instantly. Exsultantes with this victory, then went to the hut where Alonso was the father and shot him and then blows the church stripped of its ornaments and dressed some with ragged vestments, not satisfied with the atrocities committed, shattered a picture the virgin's father Roque always carried and then proceeded to burn the bodies of the two brothers along with the chapel. It was at that moment, amid the flames, when I speak to the father's heart Roque, he said in his natural language to " ... he had come to their lands for the sake of their souls ... although not kill me kill me, my soul goes to heaven and the punishment will not be long ... . " Indians will not understand where these words came out as the head of Father Roque was shattered, then proceeded to open the chest and get the heart with an arrow through it and returning it to fire again, which did not burn, 'm only a little singed but over. Not all Indians were complicit in this barbarism, many were surprised by what happened and expressed their sorrow and grief, including a chief elder scolded the murderers for their fierce crime and this action killed him with blows of stick.
The news of the death of parents arrived at the spot of the river Ijuhy on Friday November 17 and immediately sent a mob boss Nesu to find his father Juan del Castillo. He got caught at three in the afternoon while he was praying vespers in the chapel door, led him handcuffed from giving shots and dragging the ground chanting " now die in our hands as Roque Alonso and will not be of your trace family. " John's father asked them to carry him with his brothers to die together, to which they responded with thrusts of spears, arrows and other sharp sticks all over his body and eyes, dragging him through the rocks and topped with two large rocks on its head, throwing up a lot of wood and setting it on fire.
After all the above, other events occurred in neighboring reductions were immediately guarded by the good captain Nicholas Ñeengrirú, famous chief and leader of the reduction of Concepción del Uruguay who came to gather more than seven hundred Indians ready to avenge parental death.
Meanwhile, Manuel Cabral and get two priests to the city of Corrientes, went to the Cabildo where Father Francisco Clavijo account what happened and beg help them. Captain Rodrigo Perez, who was mayor at the time regular, ordered by a car which is put people to the relief requested.
The recruiting was voluntary, Captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin was the first to volunteer, saying he would go to the coast, providing ammunition and supplies and if necessary paying soldiers accompanying him. They soon join seven other residents of the currents, including those found Pedro de Aguirre, Felipe Ruy Diaz, Jeronimo Perez de Ibarra, Miguel Ortiz by Leguizamo, John Lenci, Alonso Cano and one whose name does not appear in the documents. As the situation was dire need, departed on the same day as Father Francisco Clavijo Corrientes, Fray Juan Gamarra, Manuel Cabral, seven soldiers correntinos towards reducing Itatí, where they recruited two hundred and Guarani Indians, in front of which was Captain James Guarepí, principal chief and war captain of the reduction.
Until then, preparations for relief had inputs and eight days, after which they left immediately for Itapúa was reduced to fifty miles from the city of Corrientes. In arrival they found the father of Boroa Diego, the then president of Paraguay and upper cuts, I was extremely saddened by what happened and heartbroken to see that Paraguay had not wanted to give relief. Then went to the reduction of Concepción, where they found six or seven Indian prisoners to be involved in the uprising, which proceeded with the captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin to make appropriate inquiries about the crimes committed and convinced three of them were responsible for the death of parents, sent them to justice by hanging.
next day went to the reduction of San Nicolas de Piratini where almost did not stop, giving understand their inhabitants who were to punish the criminals and rescue the good Indians. There they joined another group of Indian friends and they went to reducing the Candelaria where they arrived on Tuesday December 19 at noon, they found there with another resident of the Corrientes named Christopher Gallegos who had been with Father Antonio wackes Bernal. Spent the night there and at dawn on Wednesday when the sun rose, the reduction was found surrounded by large numbers of Indians on the warpath were preparing to assault him. It was then that the captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin ordered the people to go to meet him at number four and five or English six hundred Indian allies, leaving three hundred Indians English with friends in care and defense of the reduction and parents who were there.
advanced to meet face to face with the enemy and began to fight, but seeing the damage enemies that are produced muskets began to retreat to a nearby hill, where the fortified building a stockade of branches to defend themselves. Seeing what happened, Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin ordered the friendly Indians to come into the bush in pursuit of those and how they dared not enter, claiming that they would be fortified to kill Captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin and four soldiers took the initiative correntinos and entered the mountain, this brave enough determination to follow them friendly Indians and then began a fierce battle until they ran out of ammunition, which is why they had to retreat again from the mount.
As the battle progressed, sent people to the reduction to see if they had been attacked and as this did not happen, it required them to come three soldiers correntinos there with the Indians were left to them all together against the enemy. They surrounded the hill and command you to tell the fortified enemy surrender those responsible for the death of the parents, if they did, they ensured the life and liberty of others, he responded " that if they came they would go out and kill them all and their heads would have to drink chicha ." Known negative, went back to the hills and fought bravely until they broke up and fled were captured by Indian friends who were waiting outside the forest. Seized more than a hundred and taken to the reduction of Candelaria, where again the interrogations and investigations were necessary to find the culprits and found among them twelve chieftains principals involved in the crime.
next day they went to the river Ijuhy, a place where they had killed the father, Juan del Castillo, a spot they found deserted and only able to apprehend a Indian who was executed for being one of those responsible for the death of Father Castle. Then returned to the reduction of Candelaria, where interrogations and investigations were again among the Indians captured to determine which ones were the most major, found including two chiefs, whom Manuel Cabral gave instructions as to fall to the ground and I told the other Indians who are good and obedient to parents and who are Christians and tell them to other Indians that the war was over.
before releasing to the chiefs, they demonstrated the power that the English had, for which I take a plank of thicker than found-command to Peter Aguirre to pull him with a musket, the bullet went through to clear the tree and the Indians were bewildered and frightened because they had never seen a musket, diligence that was conducted just to intimidate them and gave them eight days later to fulfill its mission, besides ordering them to return everything they had stolen from the parents.
After a few days the chiefs bringing back some of the things they had stolen from their parents, saying the Indians were all scattered throughout the mountains and the fear they had not dared to go back now, but they would not it will pass and reduce fear and obey their parents. From there he went the reduction of St. Nicholas, which assured the captain Manuel Cabral Alpoin again warned them all to be kind to parents, if they did not come again with more English and punish them all. Reduction was so peaceful and quiet and for that reason again the reduction of Concepción, where they remained for fourteen days to build rafts and canoes to go upriver in search of missing punish those responsible. During these days, many messengers came to seek and pray that the English would not return, they promised to bring to where the chiefs were responsible and missing mob punish. Manuel Cabral accepted this proposal and gave them fourteen days later to find them and took them to the city of Corrientes, and so I accepted and left in your search. Before leaving for the city of Corrientes, Manuel Cabral asked the chiefs of the reduction they are given to the Indians who were brought prisoners to him and should give them land for their crops and make their homes and that would have the natural it.

map Day Relief Mission of Uruguay
In recognition of services rendered by Captain Manuel Cabral de Alpoin, parents of the Society of Jesus Thank you spread in a " Services Certification," which was made in the reduction of Concepción del Uruguay on January 14, 1629, signed by Father Diego de Boroa, rector of the Society of Jesus and higher reductions of the Parana and Uruguay, on behalf of parents Diego de Ampuero, Diego de Alfaro, Francisco Clavijo, Alonso de Aragon, Peter Wood, Peter Romero, Adrian Crespo, Thomas Urueña, Andrés de la Rua, and Josepe Ordoñes.pacify the region, Manuel Cabral with his seven brave soldiers and Guarani Indians Itatí addressed Itatí reduction, they were welcomed with a procession and a great party. From there proceeded to the city of Corrientes, where after a few days brought one of the chiefs guilty and of which justice was hanged in public square, the other chief said they could not find because he had retired inland to the sea where they lost the trail, the fugitive chief was nothing more and nothing less than Nesu.
remarkable thing about this day was that while many were injured, including Manuel Cabral went very badly wounded, there were no casualties to lament or English or Indian friends. This day was a remarkable relief service to the stability of the region because not to be performed, the uprising was over with all the villages and had lost the Uruguay missions.
The three martyred parents were beatified by Pope Pius XII on January 28, 1934 with the apostolic letter viventis militum Dei and canonized by John Paul II on May 16, 1988 in Ñú Guazú (Asuncion, Paraguay).