is very pleased to find publications in newspapers, talk about design and the "task" thereof. Much more pleasant
is to find stories in which the characters shown are friends or acquaintances. This time I found a good overview of the work of "Professor" as we knew at the Faculty, Juan Carlos Patino is his real name.
only have to say that we wish him good luck in your business. And then the review mentioned. Editorial
Arts / Culture • Death, is the body with a black robe holding a scythe to metérnoslo in the body? Is it the time when we will face a trial that will absolve us of our sins or not? Is the small transit another life? What is death? There is simply no answer, because nobody has been able to return to tell the tale.

However, there are many artists fascinated by the topic have found a strong source of inspiration that has several channels aesthetic. One is the Gothic (XVI century), primarily of architecture, which originated in northern France and was born in response to the tradition of classical Roman art. It was a time of change where the bourgeoisie and civility were on par with pestilence, heresy and popular rebellion.
This movement at first was very religious, after centuries acquire new meanings with links rather anti-religious. For example, in music, then the brief passage of 'Punk', would originate el'Rock Gothic ', whose mutation was to render the claims of fighting and mischief, in a pessimistic attitude dominated by anxiety and depression. The disillusionment caused by the impotence of change, resulting in an aesthetic of dark clothes, by way of mourning, black makeup loaded and misunderstood introspection. This whole chain
feelings were appropriated by Juan Carlos Patiño, who has been in the jewelry and painting your valve vent to their constant depression and anxiety. States that these pains are unbearable, are both desired ones, and have become the essence of their work. The amazement that your body can produce flagellate, its low power and blank your mind have become pleasure, the delight that causes uncontrollable.
Patiño is the way society is to deny the 'sweet pop corn' and propose a requiem, a hymn in the absence and understand death as the final end of things. His technique in the plastic is the airbrush, graphite and ink that are mixed with the colors of their dreams, their fears more incisive: red, black and white.
The blood excreted by the body is shaped like a tear, and the knife is inserted into the body of a thousand forms of pleasure. Itching, chills, great transgression that is reflected in the silver and the canvas. His drawings look the female body, because to Patiño, is the perfect body ideal for Gothic art, mixing the purity of his flesh with his mutilation.

Art, as the only tool man has to demonstrate its dissatisfaction has been the path of Juan Carlos Patiño or 'Nauj' to build small irreverent sculptures and paintings. It is your destiny, building something to prevent its destruction. It is composed with silver pen and the aesthetic structure of his disappointment. A universe that has only just begun.
Taken from Arts. (Circle with Diario La Hora)
January 4th Edition.
January 4th Edition.
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