Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Paradisebirds Anna And Nelly

The Coat of Arms of the founder of Corrientes

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe province of Corrientes, the historian Manuel V. Figuerero was the first to present a design of the coat of arms of the founder of the city of Corrientes (The Shield of Corrientes, Buenos Aires, 1921, p. 40). The shield Figuerero adopted for publication of Nobility took Alonso Lopez de Haro (Nobility pedigree of the Kings and titles of Spain, Madrid, 1622, Volume I, p. 467). This coat of arms Figuerero awarded to advance is not correct, as was the one who used the Vera family of Merida and it is the sword of Santiago, being that this sword only gets in the shield when the owner is in the order Santiago cavalry and the advance did not belong to her. In 1967, historian Frederick Palmer published in the Journal No. 2 of the Board of History of Corrientes a biography of the advance (Don Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón, Corrientes, 1967), in which the shield awarded to advance of weapons taken from the Nobility of Carlos Calvo (Nobility Old Viceroyalty of Río de la Plata, Buenos Aires, 1936, Volume II, p. 365), which is one of the most remote shield representations of reality that exists.

The determination of the true coat of arms that used the advance Juan Torres de Vera y Aragón was one of the tasks that took office in 1987, the Executive Committee of the Fourth Centenary of the founding of Corrientes. His determination was of vital importance, as expected print your design on one side of the commemorative medal to send to the coining of the municipal government of the city.

The matter was referred to the National Academy of History to rule on the matter. For its part Academy commissioned this task to Dr. Carlos Luque Colombres city of Cordoba, one of their number and the person who until then was the family scholar Vera y Aragón in the town of Estepa in Andalucia. Dr. Luque Colombres drafted a report that was presented and approved by the Academy on November 15, 1987, it was stated that no one was found so far any document which is stamped with the coat of arms advance Torres de Vera y Aragón, therefore, be consulted more contemporary documents and publications where he was drawing the Vera family crest. Among the contemporary documents used, was a certificate King of arms of Spain of 1893, which had been granted at the request of General Don José Ignacio Garmendia advance claimed descent from John de Torres de Vera y Aragón, which is not true, where he painted a coat of arms be awarded to advance.

Escudo de Armas erróneo del adelantado

wrong Crest suggested by the ANH

This coat of arms was finally adopted by the Executive Committee of the Fourth Centenary and was stamped on the medal design was commissioned commemorative coin in two sizes to Casa Piana Buenos Aires, who in turn commissioned the design to the sculptor John Roberti. Also used this shield the monument was inaugurated on May 28, 1988 at the entrance of Parque Mitre with the assistance of the mayor and residents of Estepa who came especially for the fourth centenary celebrations worth mentioning that the cost of construction of this monument was donated in full by Dr. Hector Boó.

Monumento en la entrada del Parque Mitre

Monument at the entrance of Parque Mitre

Medalla Conmemorativa del 4° Centenario

Commemorative Medal for the 4 th centenary

The coat of arms adopted, in addition to not be correct, showed some irregularities in their design, since it only will see you representing three orders of bell-shaped, with the old design Vera family crest was represented by six orders of contraveros rolling.

Personally I have to say that I have tirelessly searched for testimony or documents which the Director is stamped with the coat of arms of the founder of the city of Corrientes, because there were no traces of his family home located within the walls in the town of Estepa and in the chapel family in the main church of Estepa in stone once flaunted his family crest, all of which appears from authentic records of 1668. Unfortunately, neither is he aware of the rich family archives that preserve today's descendants of the family. That is why my search proved fruitless, even to the publication my memoir of advance Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón, which prudence, I chose not to react. Until today, I was a witness the arms of the Adelantado Don Juan Alonso Zarate Vera and Dr. Luque Colombres discovered in the archives of courts in Cordoba, where they are represented in a barracks on the paternal ancestry with weapons Vera y Aragón, which induced me to think that it should be the real design of the front shield Juan Torres de Vera y Aragón. However, in pursuing my research, I recently managed to get a true testament to the Vera family crest and Aragon through the generous Estepa help of my friend Vera Mauro Gambini d'Aragona city of Naples, family descendant Vera y Aragón de Estepa who studied and researched in detail the life and career of Mr. Francisco de Vera y Aragón.

's testimony that I mentioned, it is the coat of arms embossed in letters sent by Mr. Francisco de Vera y Aragón King of Spain, brother of the advance and then Spain's ambassador to Venice, guarded by Archive of Simancas in Spain. In the above documents, one can see that the shield pattern was different from that suggested by the National Academy of History and later adopted by the Executive Committee of the Fourth Centenary of the founding of Corrientes. Therefore, the shield printed on the commemorative medal was incomplete and some errors of representation because it was only represented the arms of the Vera family, being that the family shield used at that time bore the arms of Vera and those of Aragon. It is why, according to the design stamped on the documents, in terms heraldic shield the real founder of the City of Corrientes should be represented as follows:

Party, in the first quarter the arms of Vera, represented by six orders to see you wavy silver sable field, surrounded by a bordure gules eight gold blades in the second quarter the arms of Aragon, represented by four poles in a gold field gules, a bell bears the royal crown of gold and currency stunned an eagle sable, in which peak holding a silver ribbon with the motto VERITAS VINCIT sable.

Escudo de Armas del Adelantado

Coat of Arms of Governor Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón

Fortunately, perseverance has paid off, finding old files and old files misplaced in today allows me to correct something that until now was wrong and give to know the true coat of arms of the founder to the year 2009 commemorates the 421 anniversary of the founding of the City Corrientes.


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