Thursday, November 29, 2007

Breakfast Cereal Industry Market Share

It seems important to raise a discussion on the role of design in society, this should be seen as a key element development of culture, carries significant symbolic meanings and ideological thinking and general knowledge within the science and technology.

The design is primarily a communication tool, or paper under the above social role outside of the design spectrum becomes seudodiseño as a pretext or other value added disciplinary field, like engineering and technological disciplines.

Fruit- Porta Santiago Gavilanes - PUCE / Ecuador

The design itself is irreducible, it has value in itself, can never be established as a practical added value of social , because the design is the summary, synthesis and result of all the possible variables involved the setup process, being the visible form of social communication.

perfume container-PUCE / Ecuador

When design goes into the economic categories, it is a commodity and as such, is subject exclusively dependent and the instruments of power, subjugated to defining functional and rational within the parameters of the proposal and
neoliberal accumulation of capital.

public lamp- James Hawkins - PUCE / Ecuador

Personally I resist the standardization of aesthetic parameters, under the absurd notion of functional semiotics, I stand by the conviction of self-determination and the ability to generate our own thinking and position formal aesthetic, which results in the application of knowledge in our own definitions.

Text and photos by: Lautaro Angel Jacome

Monday, November 19, 2007

Everlast Boxing Gloves, Main Event

The Tupi - Proposal for Academic Institutions

Alonso de Vera y Aragón, appointed captain the front to carry on the foundation of a city on the site of the Seven Streams, was the first lieutenant governor who had the city of San Juan de Vera of the Seven Streams. He was a gentleman, not descended from the nobility but for his honesty, generosity, loyalty and outstanding value. Born in Cuzco in 1555 about conquering son of Andalusian Pedro Díaz de Torres, brother of the Adelantado Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón, and the Inca Dona Elena. Running through his veins merged English and American blood. Tupi called him by the dark color of their skin and to differentiate it from its namesake cousins.

His father was among the first conquistadors came to Peru and was present in the civil wars among the conquerors. Alonso de Vera y Aragón made its debut in Peru, until one day he was called by his uncle in advance to work with him in the governorship of Rio de la Plata as one of his trusted men. In 1580 he attended the founding of the city of Trinidad and port of Buenos Aires with General Juan de Garay, where he went to Spain in the caravel San Cristobal of Buenaventura in the company owned the curator and custodian the Franciscan Friar Juan de Rivadeneyra to bring settlers and friars. Fray Juan de Rivadeneyra had the king a memorial in which in one paragraph advising the foundation of a English city on the site of the Seven Streams, recommendation that surely was noted by the Tupi, not knowing who was in the company of which he was its founder and first lieutenant governor.

Once the advance could pacify the border city of Asunción, which was plagued by Indian raids continued Guaicurú was determined to make the population of the place of the seven streams. Tupi commissioned tasks of exploration and site preparation for the foundation. Alonso de Vera y Aragón Assumption left leading to a mid of 1587 men in his company and friendly Indians. Arazaty landed on the beach where the royal settled and from there began to make the first explorations and contacts with the natives who lived in the area.
Upon arrival of Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón and the scribe Nicolas de Villanueva was performed the solemn ceremony used in the foundations. The foundation ceremony was held on Sunday April 3, 1588, proceeded to set the stick to the roll of justice and drawing his sword gave him two strokes ahead saying by King Felipe II, which was formally founded the city Vera.

The front remained in the city until the early hours of Thursday 7 April that left for the city of Santa Fe, in the course of which issued the title of captain general and chief justice to Alonso Vera and Aragon, which was shown to the council of the city of Vera on Thursday 7 April, after leaving the front.

Firma de Alonso de Vera y Aragón
Signature Alonso de Vera y Aragon, the Tupi

advance political enemies, led by Juan Caballero de Bazan, tried by all means that no relative advance of occupying positions of lieutenant, but the inhabitants of the city of Vera appeal the decision of the Real Audiencia de la Plata through a letter from the Chapter on August 20, 1588, which signified: " because Alonso de Vera said rules in many uniformity of all soldiers and her neighbors without injury to anyone, much recollection. " A similar situation arises when the government takes on Fernando de Zarate, it is known that every governor appointed his lieutenants at the time of taking office. Again the city council is in favor of the continuity of Tupi, presented a petition on August 9, 1593, which signified: " beseech your lordship on behalf of all of this city, we provide for lieutenant governor Captain Alonso de Vera y Aragón as to become a father for this stock and spent their wealth and we understand that this city will help increasing. " The high emotional content of this request exceeds the formalism of the time, is more than obvious affection and respect that people had for the Tupi.

Alonso de Vera y Aragón ruled the city until November of 1596, was replaced by Captain Garci Rodríguez de Arellano of title issued by Governor Juan Ramirez de Velasco. Were eight long years of government in the most difficult times which govern the Tupi touched. During this time the city stand the continuous attack of the Guarani Indians of the Paraná above that surrounded the fort and the population was nearly lost, the siege of the city was a result of the massacre where cassava English twenty-two lost their lives in the hands of the Guarani, and emboldened by their success they decided to besiege the city and try to destroy it. The city was devastated and most of the cattle that had been brought to the foundation had fled to the campaign, the Tupi went to the city of Asuncion where the coast brought more livestock to the livelihoods of villagers. During his rule the city was organized and conducted the first deliveries of parcels and land for farms.

know nothing of his life from the moment they leave the government until the year 1603 that is elected by the outgoing chapter for the post of assistant mayor of the Holy Brotherhood, a distinction did not assume it was busy in the preparation of information of merit and service to advance his uncle and although he was summoned by the governor Hernandarias, open enemy of the family Vera y Aragón, to take office, he apologized presenting a provision of the Audiencia Real de la Plata in urging that no justice will prevent the conduct of its business. In 1607 returned to a position of importance in our city to be appointed judge by Gov. Hernandarias Estate, where he was responsible for reviewing the performance of the previous governor's staff in our city.

Regarding family life, we know that the Tupi had for his only son to Don Pedro de Vera y Aragón, ignore the name of his wife and if he was married. His son, underage, was united in marriage with Dona Ines Mansilla Arias, daughter of Francisco Arias Mansilla and Dona Lucia de Espinosa, also residents of the City of Vera. This marriage produced a son named Don Alonso de Vera, who died in infancy. The Tupi probably died in the city of Asunción by the year 1611, at which time the severity of their disease to test a power granted to Captain Andrew Lobato de Godoy, intimate family friend Vera y Aragón.

The love I had for the Tupi Indians nature was demonstrated in one of the clauses of his will, expressing be given to the Indians of his encomienda a quarter of its right in the wild cattle that were in the jurisdiction of the City of San Juan de Vera and utilizing the said livestock for their livelihoods, in exchange for this donation requested the Indians they paid to the trustee of the Franciscan convent hundred masses for his soul. The generosity of Tupi is again manifested in his son Peter, who by means of a donation letter issued on 1 September 1611, exempted Indians from paying a hundred masses.

is noteworthy that in our city there is no monument to honor his memory. However, there is little plaza bearing his name, but was changed at the initiative of a council with marked ideological prejudices. While the first settlers father called it this population, the passage of time and ignorance of his human qualities and performance have made valuable him go unnoticed. With the advent of the inauguration of the new stretch of the Costanera Avenue, would be just that somewhere in it, for example in the roundabout, do a tribute in memory of our first lieutenant governor, being the place indicated more than adequate, as it was in the same place where he began working for our city, was where he first landed and to our city.

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Tribute to Published Research

Affiliated Member of the Board of History of Corrientes. (Location: Corrientes, 14/10/2005)

Ingreso de Gustavo Sorg a la Junta de Historia de Corrientes
Gustavo Sorg received the diploma of the JHC of Mr. Enrique Deniri

Fellow of the Genealogical Institute of Science Correntino. (Location: Corrientes, 26/10/2005)

Acto de Clausura del ICCG
Closing Ceremony of the ICCG - December/2005

Corresponding Member of the Corrientes province of the Paraguayan Institute of Genealogy Ruiz Diaz Guzmán.

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes Genealogical Research Center and heraldry of Córdoba. (Designation: Cordoba, 05/2007)

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes in the Paraguayan Academy of History. (Location: Asunción, 28/06/2007)

Ingreso de Gustavo Sorg a la Academia Paraguaya de la Historia
Act in the Paraguayan Academy of History - Asunción, 2007

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes Genealogical Research Center of Tucumán. (Description: San Miguel de Tucumán, 09/08/2007)

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes Argentine Institute of Genealogical Studies. (Description: Buenos Aires, 13/08/2007)

Fellow of the Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes. (Location: Corrientes, 07/03/2008)

Corresponding Member of the City of Corrientes History Board of Goya. (Admission: Goya, 26/09/2008)

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes in Argentina Academy of History. (Location: Buenos Aires, 08/10/2008)

Ingreso de Gustavo Sorg a la Academia Argentina de la Historia
Gustavo Sorg receiving the diploma and medal of Academic welcome

Statement of the Honorable Chamber of Senators Province of Corrientes: In Session pee on 20 December 2008, the Honorable Senate approved a draft declaration submitted by Senator Rosa Isolina Passet by which is expressed appreciation for the incorporation of a historian Gustavo Miguel Sorg Argentina Academy of History. Corrientes, 20/11/2008 - SFAS No. 52/08.

Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes Center Genealogical and Historical Studies of Rosario. (Designation: Rosario, 16/12/2009)

Sand Rail For Sale In Houston Texas


"Doña Inés Arias Mansilla," Bulletin No. 3, Institute Genealogical Science Corrientes, Corrientes, 2004.

"Captain Simon Table", Bulletin No. 3, Institute of Science Genealogical Corrientes, Corrientes, 2004.

"Gonzalez Alderete The Flows," Bulletin No. 3, Institute of Science Genealogical Corrientes, Corrientes, 2004. In collaboration with Julio and Carmen Goitia Juan Manuel Medrano Balcarce.

" The celebrations for the birth of Prince Felipe Prospero in the city of San Juan de Vera - Year 1659 " 5 th Congress of History Corrientes Province, correinte, 23 and June 24, 2005.

" The Villanueva", Bulletin No. 4, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2005.

" Our Unsung Heroes", Bulletin No. 4, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Paper as a Fellow of the Genealogical Institute of Science Corrientes, Corrientes, 2005.

" The Cabral de Melo and Alpoin " Special Edition Genealogical Institute of Science Corrientes, Corrientes, 2005. Documentary

contribution in reprint of the book " Governor Domingo Martinez de Irala " Ricardo de Lafuente Machain, Paraguayan Academy of History, Assumption 2006.

Note: first published version of the title of Governor paleographic given by the king to Domingo Martinez de Irala.

" Los Gonzalez de Santa Cruz ", Bulletin No. 5, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2006.

Note: This publication is reproduced in a completely new information that proves that the mastermind of the ordinances that established the governor Domingo Martínez de Irala was the clerk Bartolome Gonzalez, father of the Jesuit martyr Roque González de Santa Cruz.

Stories Published: Jesuits of Paraguay - ABC Digital

" The pattern of year 1622", Bulletin No. 5, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2006.

" The convent of San Francisco from the city of San Juan de Vera " research for determining the year of its foundation to commemorate the 400 anniversary of the founding of the convent, Annals of the History Board Corrientes, No. 8, Year 2006, Corrientes, 2006.

" Antonil Probanza Indian and mestizo recognition of Dona Marina de Irala " Paraguayan History, Vol XLVI, National Academy of History, Assumption, 2006.

Portada del libro biográfico de Juan de Torres de Vera y Aragón
" Juan Torres de Vera y Aragón and the New History of the founding of the city of Vera " Paper met tribute to 419 years of the founding of the city of Corrientes, sponsored by Undersecretary for Culture and Education of the City Council of Corrientes, Corrientes, 2007. Was submitted on 27/04/2007 by Dr. Carlos Maria Vargas Gómez in the Historical Museum of Currents "Tte.'s governor Manuel Cabral de Alpoin"

Presentación del libro de Gustavo Sorg
Azcoaga Mr. Gonzalez, Gustavo Sorg, Arch Romero, Dr. Vargas Gómez

Stories Published: La Republica - Littoral

" Origin and progeny of Maestre de Campo Miraval Hernan Mexia, conqueror of Tucumán ", Bulletin No. 5, Genealogical Research Center of Tucumán , San Miguel de Tucuman, 2007. Presented in San Miguel de Tucuman on 14/08/2008.

Note: This publication is announced for the first time the source of the conquistador Hernan Mexia Miraval, hitherto ignored by all historians who sought unsuccessfully to determine its origin.

Stories Published: Gazette

" The Quirós de la Lama ", Bulletin No. 6, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2007.

" The sheriff Bernabé de Luján", Bulletin No. 6, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2007.

" Antonio Attorney the Madriz, patriarch of the family Veron de Astrada ", Journal No. 2, Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes, Corrientes, 2007.

" origin, family and descendants of Chaves Nufrio " Historic Genealogical Workshop "Shaping the Hispanic Society" (XVI-XIX), Córdoba, 8-10 May 2008.

" Carolina Colony. The first settlers and the history of its formation " Goya History Board, Paper input a corresponding member of the City of Corrientes, Goya, 26/09/2008.

" Prime Argentino, Argentina Academy of History, Conference become a Corresponding Member of the Province of Corrientes, Buenos Aires, 08/10/2008.

Stories Published: Littoral - La Republica

" " Descendants of Andrew Guacurarí in Corrientes? ", Journal No. 3, Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes, Corrientes, 2008. Presentation: Current, 10/12/2008.

Note : In this unpublished research, it is proved false the claims of some families of currents, which are said Andresito descendants of the Guarani leader, leader of Artigas, claiming the same exalt the figure of the leader with its attempt to erase the memory of Corrientes action was regrettable that the leader during his stay in the city of Corrientes.

Stories Published: La Republica

"Old families Corrientes", Bulletin No. 7, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2008. Presentation: Current, 10/12/2008.

Note: This research is based on the origin and descent of 27 founding families and residents of the city of Vera.

" Origin and progeny of Juan and Felipe de Cáceres "Genealogy, No. 33, Journal of the Argentine Institute of Genealogical Studies, Buenos Aires, 2007.

" Origin and progeny of Vera y Aragón Steppe", Bulletin No. 36 of the Center for Genealogical and Heraldic de Córdoba, Córdoba, 2009.

" The name of the city of Corrientes and the true coat of arms of the founder of the city of Vera " Magazine No. 4, Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes, Corrientes, 2009. Presentation: Corrientes, 9/12/2009.

" The conquistador Don Francisco de Mendoza and his son, Don Francisco de Mendoza Manrique ", Bulletin No. 37 of the Center for Genealogical and Heraldic de Córdoba, Córdoba, 2010.

"Old families Corrientes, 2 ° parte ", Bulletin No. 8, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2010.

"Ancestors correntinos Chilean President Sebastián Piñera," Bulletin No. 8, Corrientes Institute of Genealogical Studies, Corrientes, 2010.

" The fate of the first rulers of the Rio de la Plata (1534-1556) ", Journal No. 5, Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes, Corrientes, 2010.

" Marriage of General San Martín ", Journal No. 5, Institute of Historical and Cultural Research Corrientes, Corrientes, 2010.

Bulletins Correntino Institute of Genealogical Studies and the Journal of the Instituto de Investigaciones Historical and Cultural Currents can be purchased at Moglia Ediciones

Take About Jean Button

Miguel Gustavo Sorg was born in 1963 in the city of Corrientes Corrientes province of Argentina.

In 2000 began historical and genealogical research to reconstruct the life of their ancestors and translating the results of their research in a book of family history. The goal it set out to achieve was not easy, as to deepen their investigations should make research in German archives, English and Italians have direct ancestors in those countries.

As his family is of Catholic origin, their research began with the study of church records that met the the data needed to reconstruct their genealogical history that goes back to the sixteenth century one of its branches.

The language barrier was overcome through study and dedication, as well as understanding the different types of ancient writings that were made with the parish records. Throughout his research was perfecting his skill in reading parish records written in German Gothic, Catalan and Italian.

Eugen Sorg, bisabuelo de Gustavo Sorg
Eugen Sorg (1859-1945) - Bürgermeister von Salem

As the mere fact of putting together a Family Tree did not meet his expectations, he studied the historical context in which they lived to each family strata in their place of residence. During his research was devoted also to rescue documents and family photographs that together managed to form a true family history.

developed the ability to research, coupled with his constant interest in discovering the hitherto ignored him to continue his research into the origins of his hometown, always keeping in mind its inhabitants, because his motto is written name and surname history .

is a colonial history buff, passionate about the origins of our nation, the time que los primeros conquistadores españoles arribaron al suelo americano y fueron estableciendo las primeras ciudades que posibilitaron el nacimiento de nuestra nación y de las demás naciones del continente sudamericano.

Sus investigaciones no solo limitan al territorio argentino, sino también al territorio paraguayo, chileno, boliviano y peruano, ya que todos ellos tenían mucho en común en aquellos años remotos.

De un primer momento sus investigaciones se basaron en fuentes documentales primarias, es decir los documentos originales resguardados en los archivos públicos y privados, lo que le permite realizar su propia interpretación de los hechos y rescatar de ellos situaciones y acontecimientos particulares that were totally ignored by researchers who studied them.

The research results are regularly published in academic institutions in Argentina and Paraguay.