Miguel Gustavo Sorg was born in 1963 in the city of Corrientes Corrientes province of Argentina.
In 2000 began historical and genealogical research to reconstruct the life of their ancestors and translating the results of their research in a book of family history. The goal it set out to achieve was not easy, as to deepen their investigations should make research in German archives, English and Italians have direct ancestors in those countries.
As his family is of Catholic origin, their research began with the study of church records that met the the data needed to reconstruct their genealogical history that goes back to the sixteenth century one of its branches.
The language barrier was overcome through study and dedication, as well as understanding the different types of ancient writings that were made with the parish records. Throughout his research was perfecting his skill in reading parish records written in German Gothic, Catalan and Italian.
In 2000 began historical and genealogical research to reconstruct the life of their ancestors and translating the results of their research in a book of family history. The goal it set out to achieve was not easy, as to deepen their investigations should make research in German archives, English and Italians have direct ancestors in those countries.
As his family is of Catholic origin, their research began with the study of church records that met the the data needed to reconstruct their genealogical history that goes back to the sixteenth century one of its branches.
The language barrier was overcome through study and dedication, as well as understanding the different types of ancient writings that were made with the parish records. Throughout his research was perfecting his skill in reading parish records written in German Gothic, Catalan and Italian.

Eugen Sorg (1859-1945) - Bürgermeister von Salem
As the mere fact of putting together a Family Tree did not meet his expectations, he studied the historical context in which they lived to each family strata in their place of residence. During his research was devoted also to rescue documents and family photographs that together managed to form a true family history.
developed the ability to research, coupled with his constant interest in discovering the hitherto ignored him to continue his research into the origins of his hometown, always keeping in mind its inhabitants, because his motto is written name and surname history .
is a colonial history buff, passionate about the origins of our nation, the time que los primeros conquistadores españoles arribaron al suelo americano y fueron estableciendo las primeras ciudades que posibilitaron el nacimiento de nuestra nación y de las demás naciones del continente sudamericano.
Sus investigaciones no solo limitan al territorio argentino, sino también al territorio paraguayo, chileno, boliviano y peruano, ya que todos ellos tenían mucho en común en aquellos años remotos.
De un primer momento sus investigaciones se basaron en fuentes documentales primarias, es decir los documentos originales resguardados en los archivos públicos y privados, lo que le permite realizar su propia interpretación de los hechos y rescatar de ellos situaciones y acontecimientos particulares that were totally ignored by researchers who studied them.
The research results are regularly published in academic institutions in Argentina and Paraguay.
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