population Morropón district, main economic activity is the development of agriculture and animal husbandry production is sold in local markets and the region Piura. Its importance is reflected in its contribution to regional output, and for his leading role in the absorption of the economically active population in agriculture. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
Morropón City, for its strategic geopolitical location, is considered a center for collection and marketing of agricultural products between the coast and the Andean Region Micro Central. Also play a role of great importance for the distribution of direct consumption of the population and inputs for the development of productive activities
AGRICULTURE Farming is the main economic activity in the district. Has important crops for regional and national market. Although the characteristics of the soil, enabling the production of a variety d
and species throughout the year, there is a strong tendency to monoculture (rice).
As an alternative to improve the use of resources (land and water), the Local Government has promoted the implementation of a string bean cowpea with relative success in recent years. 2007, 400 hectares were scheduled to install, but eventually settled 502.23 hectares, committing to 239 producers.
The land is mostly private and almost all producers have made the legal physical healing of their land. Dry forest areas are communally owned. The district has a significant presence of tenants of land for cultivation.
agricultural production
The most important crops are rice, yellow corn, cassava, banana, bread fruit and crops go. R
ecently has become important cowpea growing beans, cocoa and soybeans. However, production systems dominated by rice as a monoculture, it covers the major areas of planting (1200 to 1500 hectares) and demand significant amounts of 17.000 to 20.000 m3 / h, compared to beans you need only 3000 to 4000 m3)
In terms of planning and automation of crops, they do not respond to a Proper planning plantings are managed with traditional technologies with very little research and technological innovation. Production yields are low to fair, with the same result the profitability of producers and the marketing chain is done through intermediaries.
The level of technical knowledge of farming families is low, with an instability in agricultural production difficult to make commitments, weak organizations, much less have the economic capacity to access services that allow them to be competitive.
Alternative Crops
There is a good opportunity following the relative success of the inclusion of cowpea, the promotion of productive chains of other crops like organic bananas, organic mango, cocoa, grapes and pine nuts for biofuel. Some producers organized as ASPROMOR, cowpea growers who would be interested in organic bananas, for example. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
In the livestock sector are the most important parenting cattle, sheep (hair) and goat mayormen
landraces you oriented to meat production, basing their power on forest fodder and crop residues. These raisings are characterized by low production and reproductive rates, a considerable incidence of infectious and parasitic diseases, which increase in FEN years, as a high rate of consanguinity.
production is marketed to regional and national markets, like cattle through intermediaries and carriers. There are Collection with a Cattle Center STREAM, is where marketing focuses cattle, both Morropón, as other districts such as Santa Catalina de Mossa Santo Domingo, and Pacaipampa Morropón, Livestock, even though profitability is not the most acceptable, is a very important source of savings for rural households. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
develops in the dry forest in the district. Is a family activity without having an organization that enhances the product. The fate of much of the production honey is directed to the city of Lima in a packed and to a lesser degree is addressed to the local market.
prices they access are: market Lima S /. 10.00 per kilo, while in the local market is placed at S /. 7.00 per kilo.
Demand for Training and Technical Assistance comes from the producers of dry forest owners whose income from the sale of products, do not offset their costs of production due to low production, productivity and product quality carob, honey.
Morropón has a dry forest area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3000 hectares, representing a potential for this activity. jose luis ruiz
industrial activity in the District of Morropón is emerging, we find only activity milled rice.
Morropón In the district 5 mills operate pillar rice, providing services to drivers of 1.200 hectares. rice, providing tolling services. The highest proportion of rice for sale on the local and regional market.
FORESTRY Forestry is given by the potential of dry forest available to the district (6.020 ha.) includes
the villages of Piedra del Toro, San Luis, Talanquera, Hacienda Pampa, Zapotal, Franco High and Solumbra clothing, favoring the extraction of timber from forest to household consumption and for sale on an informal (clear-cutting), exacerbated during periods of prolonged drought in the search for income generation by the rural families, the weakness of mechanisms for community control and the lack of regulatory information regarding the exploitation of the forest and logging in privately owned areas.
This sector is emerging, although there is increasing demand for forest products as organic carob and honey.
TRADE It has increased trade flows identified in the following areas: agriculture, transportation, agricultural inputs, fuel, repair services, groceries. Morropón district maintains a higher relationship with Sierra del Alto Piura (Paltashaco, Santo Domingo, and Pacaipampa Chalaco), marketing products such as vegetables, groceries, fruits (grape, tangerine, fertilizer, etc. That come from Piura, Chiclayo. Also has an important trade flows with Chulucanas (Capital of the Province), with Piura and Chiclayo are their financial and food pantries brings gas, gasoline, oil, pesticides, veterinary and human medicine, just as these places sell Morropón more intensity compared to other markets. In the process of marketing play an important role of local and regional collectors, the latter linked to agribusiness and export.
population Morropón district, main economic activity is the development of agriculture and animal husbandry production is sold in local markets and the region Piura. Its importance is reflected in its contribution to regional output, and for his leading role in the absorption of the economically active population in agriculture. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
Morropón City, for its strategic geopolitical location, is considered a center for collection and marketing of agricultural products between the coast and the Andean Region Micro Central. Also play a role of great importance for the distribution of direct consumption of the population and inputs for the development of productive activities
AGRICULTURE Farming is the main economic activity in the district. Has important crops for regional and national market. Although the characteristics of the soil, enabling the production of a variety d

As an alternative to improve the use of resources (land and water), the Local Government has promoted the implementation of a string bean cowpea with relative success in recent years. 2007, 400 hectares were scheduled to install, but eventually settled 502.23 hectares, committing to 239 producers.
The land is mostly private and almost all producers have made the legal physical healing of their land. Dry forest areas are communally owned. The district has a significant presence of tenants of land for cultivation.
agricultural production
The most important crops are rice, yellow corn, cassava, banana, bread fruit and crops go. R

In terms of planning and automation of crops, they do not respond to a Proper planning plantings are managed with traditional technologies with very little research and technological innovation. Production yields are low to fair, with the same result the profitability of producers and the marketing chain is done through intermediaries.
The level of technical knowledge of farming families is low, with an instability in agricultural production difficult to make commitments, weak organizations, much less have the economic capacity to access services that allow them to be competitive.
Alternative Crops
There is a good opportunity following the relative success of the inclusion of cowpea, the promotion of productive chains of other crops like organic bananas, organic mango, cocoa, grapes and pine nuts for biofuel. Some producers organized as ASPROMOR, cowpea growers who would be interested in organic bananas, for example. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
In the livestock sector are the most important parenting cattle, sheep (hair) and goat mayormen
production is marketed to regional and national markets, like cattle through intermediaries and carriers. There are Collection with a Cattle Center STREAM, is where marketing focuses cattle, both Morropón, as other districts such as Santa Catalina de Mossa Santo Domingo, and Pacaipampa Morropón, Livestock, even though profitability is not the most acceptable, is a very important source of savings for rural households. JOSE LUIS RUIZ CARLIN
develops in the dry forest in the district. Is a family activity without having an organization that enhances the product. The fate of much of the production honey is directed to the city of Lima in a packed and to a lesser degree is addressed to the local market.
prices they access are: market Lima S /. 10.00 per kilo, while in the local market is placed at S /. 7.00 per kilo.
Demand for Training and Technical Assistance comes from the producers of dry forest owners whose income from the sale of products, do not offset their costs of production due to low production, productivity and product quality carob, honey.
Morropón has a dry forest area of \u200b\u200bmore than 3000 hectares, representing a potential for this activity. jose luis ruiz
industrial activity in the District of Morropón is emerging, we find only activity milled rice.
Morropón In the district 5 mills operate pillar rice, providing services to drivers of 1.200 hectares. rice, providing tolling services. The highest proportion of rice for sale on the local and regional market.
FORESTRY Forestry is given by the potential of dry forest available to the district (6.020 ha.) includes
This sector is emerging, although there is increasing demand for forest products as organic carob and honey.
TRADE It has increased trade flows identified in the following areas: agriculture, transportation, agricultural inputs, fuel, repair services, groceries. Morropón district maintains a higher relationship with Sierra del Alto Piura (Paltashaco, Santo Domingo, and Pacaipampa Chalaco), marketing products such as vegetables, groceries, fruits (grape, tangerine, fertilizer, etc. That come from Piura, Chiclayo. Also has an important trade flows with Chulucanas (Capital of the Province), with Piura and Chiclayo are their financial and food pantries brings gas, gasoline, oil, pesticides, veterinary and human medicine, just as these places sell Morropón more intensity compared to other markets. In the process of marketing play an important role of local and regional collectors, the latter linked to agribusiness and export.
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