In the beginning his name was Moskal, the completion of "LA" language derives from the SEC, which is a language workshop, which means "place near the water," Moskal in itself means "place surrounded by stones, and that is if look around the city, is surrounded by hills. jose luis ruiz carlin
For onomatopoeia is said to be surrounded by mountains Morro, once there were earthquakes and other Earthlings movements, frequent lightning and thunder storms that produced tremendous noise that sounded like "PON" , where he would have made the name of MORRO PON.
According to legend, the name of Morropón, derived from the name of the mythical bird MORRO, who implored the people screaming YOUR NOSE PUT EGGS!, This to ensure that harvests are good, otherwise its absence was a sign of doom.
recently in an article published in Diario Correo de Piura, Prof. Carlos Arrizabala Lizárraga, Department of Humanities at the University of Piura, says Morropón name was originally the name of the hill overlooking the valley , along with other smaller hills. The etymology of the word shows, it is indeed a clear expression Mochica composite genitive "Murr" ("Iguana") and the generic "put" or "pog" ("hill"). jose luis ruiz carlin
Morropón means, then, according to Dr. Arrizabala, "hill of the Iguana." The old morropanos were right, because before a town or district, a river or a nearby farm, the hill was called Morropón Morropón, and this did not change its name, but when the January 6, 1855 there was the large cross .
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