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The district is one of the ten districts of the province Morropón, is located on the coast of Piura department and region. Geographically it is located in the extreme North West of Peru, at a distance of 82.3 km from the city of Piura, it covers approximately 170 km2, representing 4.5% of the total area of \u200b\u200bthe province. Its altitude is 131 m. s. n. m., according to the National Geophysical Institute of Peru, its geographical coordinates are 5 ° 10 '57''South Latitude and 79 º 58' 00'' West Longitude Greenwitch Meridian. For its strategic geopolitical location provides a double function: it is part of the valley of Alto Piura and lower intermediate zone and the sub basins of the rivers "La Gallega" and "Corral del Medio", which connects the great watershed of the Piura River thus forming a space - hinge integration between the coast and the Central Andean region micro (saw Morropón province), and therefore a must to it and core attraction for the socioeconomic relations and the movement of migratory flows in the mountains to the coast.
should be noted that initially was located in the foothills Maray. Jose luis ruiz
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