Due to its location in the department of Piura, the climate of the district is an area Morropón subtropical (quality), dry, high rainfall, the annual average temperature is 25 º C. with a maximum ranging between 32 º C and 35 º C. and a minimum of 18.5 º C. However, the temperature records indicate a general thermal behavior more or less uniform. The annual average relative humidity is 70.20%. During Morropón climate has two seasons:
The season from December to April, is the rainy season and warm with monthly rainfall ranging between 90 and 131 mm. between January and March, with temperatures exceeding 35 º C. and relative humidity of 76.8%. However, in times of meganiños rainfall above 200 mm / day
Instead seasonal, from May to November, is dry and cool with no rain, low temperature and relative humidity minimum of 63.5%.
The season from December to April, is the rainy season and warm with monthly rainfall ranging between 90 and 131 mm. between January and March, with temperatures exceeding 35 º C. and relative humidity of 76.8%. However, in times of meganiños rainfall above 200 mm / day
Instead seasonal, from May to November, is dry and cool with no rain, low temperature and relative humidity minimum of 63.5%.
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